-The assignment was to bring pictures to class that might be used to tell the story that the group came up with.
Craft: (How did you do it?)
-Having the printed copy of the dialogue in front of us, Jessica and I decided that we will use the twelve slides option to tell our story. Next we decided what will go into each slide; establishing the necessary details of slide was critical because this is going to help us determine what, who, and how pictures need to be made. Having covered all the preliminary details it was time to go out and take the pictures for the story. I was in charge of taking photographs of places and things. Using the story as my guide I knew that I had to get some pictures of Hotels, cabs, and an airport among other thing as well. Knowing that the story takes place in Italy it was important for us to establish this fact; it is important because this is where the convention is going to take place and it is where Dr. Little falls for another woman. One of the most recognizable facts about Italy is that this is the location of the leaning tower of Piza, thus I went out and got a picture of the tower. I got several shots of this tower so that later Jessica and I can pick the one that will work the best with other picture. Another picture that helps establish that Dr. Little is leaving is a picture of the airport terminal. In the story, Dr. Little arrives to Italy at night; knowing this fact I took a picture of a hotel in the evening, and as luck would have I got a couple of cabs in the shot which is going to help the story; the way it is going to help the story because it tell the audience that the character has arrived and is checked into the hotel. Other important details that had to be represented in the story was the time and that Amanda is waiting at home for her husband. The picture that is going to help make that case is the picture of the clock and the picture of a girl waiting and staring outside. The strategy that I used when taking photographs was to take several shot of the same object; I did this by varying the distance between me and the object as well as the angle of the camera. The other pictures that were critical to the story were the characters and these pictures were provided by Jessica. The picture include people in different positions and a variety of hand gestures. Combining our picture together we narrowed down to some essential pictures that will be used to tell the story. During the class period we learned some feature that would help each team to make their stories unique; some of these features include the numerous filter options as well as how to apply digital color to a black and white photo; however, this technique is not limited to just black and white photos, it can be used on any photograph and used to make something jump out at the audience. The color can be used differently; some may use color to draw attention to something or someone may use the color to set the mood for the story. It is recommended that if a color is going to be added it should be done in a new layer; this prevents any mishaps.
-I really like the picture of the leaning tower of Piza; I like this picture for several reasons. One reason is that it is going to make it easier for us to communicate to the audience that half of the story is going to take place in Italy without using any written communication. The other reason is that it is just an incredible piece of architecture. The other picture that I like is the picture of the hotel in the evening. This photograph was taken at night, but because of the lights located on the over-hang details were not lost to the dark environment; instead of fading, the main entrance pops-out.
-Using the picture that were gather by Jessica and me we hope to tell the story about a doctor who travels to another county and falls in love with another woman. The story reveals some of the hardships that newlyweds go through during the first year of marriage because as the common belief says, "the first year is the hardest."
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