-The assignment for this week was to come up with an idea for a story in our groups and type it out; the story had to contain the following three pieces:
a. one person waiting
b. one person traveling
c. and one of these individuals has the package for the other
Craft: (How did you do it?)
-The first thing that needed to be addressed is the idea for the story. Some brainstorming was done, but eventually an idea was settled upon. The idea was proposed by my partner, Jessica. Using outside of the box thinking she came up with an idea; the central theme of the story was already done for us, but it was up to us to fill-in the detail. The proposed idea was that one character is a husband who is away on business and he is traveling back home; the second character is his wife who is at home waiting for him, and the package that the husband is bringing home is another woman whom he chooses to be with. Having this general statement as a backbone a dialogue was created. I got the opportunity to let my imagination run free. After completing a rough draft of the story line, I sent it to Jessica for her approval as well as adding any additional pieces of information she felt the story was lacking. After a couple of more modification we felt that the story was complete. In the end it was established that the husband's name is going to be Dr. Little who is a year old family physician who owns his own family practice on the North Side of Chicago. The wife's name is Amanda; Amanda is a 25 year old nurse working at Rush Hospital. The last major character in this story is Nicole who is a 23 year old receptionist at the Villa la Massa hotel where the 2009 American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) annual convention will be held. Using the dialogue of the story as map, I went out and took the pictures that would help tell the story.
-The possible photograph candidates that will be used for this project are located above. The reason why these photograph would make a great addition and help tell the story is because they fit in with the set theme. The first picture deals with one of the set ground rules for this story; one person waiting. The other picture that you see above helps establish the fact that the husband is leaving the country because this picture was taken at O'Hare airport fifth terminal which is used for international flights; establishing the international feel of the photo are different flags from different countries.
-Using the pictures that will be taken by my partner, Jessica, and me we hope to tell a story that we created. A story about a husband who goes to an annual convention and bring home a girl home to his wife. The story addresses a couple of questions indirectly, and these questions are is there true love? and how much faith plays a role in our lives?
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